Saturday, December 20, 2008

Morning Surprise

This is what my house looked like when I woke up this morning!

And this is what our cars looked like (I didn't know that I needed to put my windshield wipers up so that they dont freeze to the windshield, thankfully someone helped me out with this...)

And this is what my back yard looks like! Notice the amount of snow on top the shed??!

Waking up after a snowfall feels like some secret occurred during the night. A beautiful and amazing secret that you could have only been privy to had you stayed up all night and watched it fall. Spinning its magic and turning your world into a white winter wonderland!

On a side note, I saw a little dog, whose legs seemed only a few inches in length, leaping and bounding through this snow this morning. There must be at least a foot of snow on the ground and he was enjoying every inch of it!

Monday I work 45 minutes (at a normal speed, not snow speed) from my house. It is currently snowing and it is supposed to continue snowing through tomorrow. I will let you know how that adventure goes. I am guessing it will take me at least 3 hours to get home Monday.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Ice Cream

Today I met my most feared adversary since moving to Boston, driving on snow/ice. Somehow this southern girl survived the drive. Work let out early and I got paid to slowly make my way home. After sliding around for what seemed like an eternity, and having multiple cars pass me, I finally pulled into my drive way.

Luckily Ty and I live within walking distance of each other, so I set out on foot so meet him in the middle. It was interesting to watch all of my neighbors dutifully out shoveling their driveways and sidewalks as the snow continued to makes its way to the earth. I wanted to tell them to let it be. To give it a chance to overtake our lives and make us stop.

We enjoyed a wonderful evening playing games and eating snow ice cream. If only more Friday evenings could be like this... Oh wait, they probably will be for the next 3-4 months. Gotta love New England ; )

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Websites I Fancy

Sorry I haven't posted anything in quite some time... I knew I was going to be bad at this.

So the reason for this post has nothing to do with Boston, but I have discovered a few excellent websites I thought I would share. This website allows you to create to-do lists from your phone and will email/call you to remind you! This website serves as a scrap book so-to-speak for important content This website is my favorite. It allows you to see where you can earn the most frequent flyer miles/credit card points/give to a charity for purchases you would have made anyways :) Thank you Larissa! This website will email you portions of the book of your choice on a daily basis- Wonderful for down time at work (maybe hours in my case)